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Monday, June 22, 2020

Windows side by side

Dual directory panel with filtering to easily find the file.

Window side by side

Explorer mode

Directory Tree on the left side, directory panel on the right side.
The right side could also contain a text editor, image thumbnails or an image viewer.

Directory Tree with Directory table

Some of the viewers

Preview text files and images easily.

Text viewer with an image viewer in a separate window


  • Files Systems: Local, Zip, FTP, SFTP, FTPS, WebDAV, Samba, Jar, War, Ear, tar.gz, HTTP(S).
  • Panels: Directory Table, Directory Tree, Text editor, Image viewer, Thumbnails.
  • More: Bookmark, History, Filtering, Skinnable, Configurable and more.


Using Ant and Commons-VFS as Engine

  • Ant Commander does not directly manipulate files but delegate it to Apache Ant a powerful and widely use build tool.
    Ant contains more than 150 tasks and a lot of software includes support for Ant. You can also run the tasks from the command line.
  • To access the different file systems, Ant Commander uses Apache commons VFS. It allows to plug in different file systems.